Sangha Q&A- with Noah Levine September 2023

For tonight, reflect on your recovery, your meditation practice, your involvement with this Buddhist path to healing from addiction, to recovering from addiction, and any questions that are up for you in your practice. One of the things for this first Thursday is where you can ask questions about some of the Buddhist teachings that aren't necessarily in the refuge book.

Refuge Recovery Talks—First Thursday of the Month at 5PM PST with Noah Levine Register here to join ➤ All are welcome.

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Money- with Noah Levine August 2023

Tonight, I'm gonna talk about money and our relationship to money as recovering addicts. Perhaps some people in the room tonight, or listening to this later have actually developed a process addiction around money, shopping spending or gambling.

So we're gonna talk about money, but not just as an addiction but as a central part of our life. Developing a wise relationship to finances as part of our Buddhist practice, as part of our recovery.

Refuge Recovery Talks—First Thursday of the Month at 5PM PST with Noah Levine Register here to join ➤ All are welcome.

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Buddhism Q&A- with Noah Levine June 2023

As you start to practice, study and read some of the Buddhist literature, other books that are out there, or even just within the refuge book. There might be some questions that come up about how to practice or how to understand things you've heard about Buddhism and how it fits with what we're doing in Refuge Recovery.

Refuge Recovery Talks—First Thursday of the Month at 5PM PST with Noah Levine Register here to join ➤ All are welcome.

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Wise Friends with Noah Levine May 2023

One of our core principles in Refuge Recovery is taking refuge in the Sangha. We’ll discus the relationships that we develop with each other, with the people that we meet in recovery and our Buddhist communities; the encouragement and importance of being of service to each other by mentoring each other and what comes with that. 

Refuge Recovery Talks—First Thursday of the Month at 5PM PST with Noah Levine Register here to join ➤ All are welcome.

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